Valle del Chienti


The Archaeological Museum of Camerino collects the finds of the pre-Roman and Roman phase of the city, a center of strategic importance on the ridge that divides the valleys of Chienti and Potenza, whose remains, except for a porticoed building found in corso Vittorio Emanuele, have been completely obliterated, first by the Medieval and then by the modern urban system. The Archaeological Museum is housed, along with the Pinacoteca and the museum of modern and contemporary art, at the former Convent of San Domenico, where it occupies the entire first floor. The oldest finds in the collection date back to the Palaeolithic and are an indication of human activity in the area during this period; the testimonies present in the exhibition for the Iron and Bronze Ages, as well as for the Orientalizing period, are very rich; important finds date to the 6th - 4th centuries BC to the Hellenistic Age, attesting to the vibrancy of the city and its centrality in commercial relations, with Etruscan and Aegean imports. There are fewer testimonies to the Roman city, including the polychrome mosaic found in Colseverino, and those linked to late Antiquity; the Lombard phase is witnessed by the presence of a tomb of a male found in the Vallicelle area. In the museum there are also exhibited finds belonging to the Guarnieri and Conti collections, originating not only from the Camerino territory, but also from Magna Graecian contexts: among these, the numismatic collection, composed of over 200 coins, is worth special mention.

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that include this Archeological Site

Principi umbri e piceni tra il Potenza e l’Esino

Nelle zone di confine dell’entroterra marchigiano i principi umbri di Camerino vivevano a contatto con numerosi villaggi, anch’essi retti da principi guerrieri piceni. I pregevoli corredi delle necropoli, risalenti alla fine dell’VIII - inizi VI sec. a.C., documentano i fitti scambi con l’oriente greco e con l’Etruria e attestano il ruolo cruciale di queste popolazioni nei traffici mercantili tra Adriatico e Appennino, che essi controllavano e da cui traevano le loro ricchezze.

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Address Ex convento di San Domenico Camerino
Opening Time Orario invernale (1 Ottobre - 30 Aprile): Lun - Mart chiuso. Merc. - Giov. 14:00 - 18:00, Ven., Sab., Dom.e festivi 10:00 - 18.:00 Orario Estivo (1 Maggio - 30 Settembre) Lun. chiuso. Da mart. a dom. 10.30-18.30
Closure Day Natale e 1 gennaio
Visit Time 45 min
Reservation Required no
Bookshop yes
Free Guided Tour no
Guided Tour Possibilità di visite guidate a pagamento
Parking yes
Disabled Accessibility yes
Audioguide no
Didactic Rooms yes
English language yes
Public Transport yes
Family Services yes
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Parco Archeologico Naturalistico di Cupra Marittima
Museo Archeologico "Aristide Gentiloni Silverj"