Valle del Metauro


The perimeter of the city of Fano, in the Augustan era, was defined by a city wall built for monumental purposes rather than defensive needs. There is still some doubt concerning the presence of a city wall on the side parallel to the coast, while on the other three sides, where the wall is documented, it follows a broken line whose consecutive tracts were connected by round towers. Different were the towers on the sides of the main gate, the so-called Arch of Augustus: internally of a rectangular shape while externally a semicircle. The entrance to the city was guaranteed by the Arch of Augustus, a real three-door gateway, of which only the central one is still accessible. Originally the door was surmounted by an attic, later demolished by the artillery of Federico da Montefeltro. Above the central lock is an inscription in Latin that allows dating the construction of the wall to 9-10 AD. Another Roman door is preserved a little further north of the main one: this is the Porta Romana located at the "Mandria Wall", characterized by a single archway through which came the generating axis, the Via Flaminia, cutting the city blocks obliquely in this sector. This anomaly, compared to the orthogonal network, was due to the need to avoid the depression of the Arzilla delta.

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that include this Archeological Site

Porti e approdi nelle Marche antiche

Da Pesaro a San Benedetto del Tronto, lungo la costa Adriatica, alla scoperta dei principali porti e approdi frequentati dall’età del bronzo a oggi. Alla foce di fiumi e torrenti, entro piccole baie, promontori e grandi insenature, si svilupparono nell’antichità porti, porti canale, empori o semplici approdi. Questi scali furono il fulcro di una fitta rete di commerci marittimi che hanno dato vita a un intenso dialogo tra oriente e occidente, testimoniato dai ritrovamenti di reperti provenienti da tutto il bacino del Mediterraneo.

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Address Via Arco d'Augusto Fano
Phone Number 0721887343
Opening Time sempre visitabile
Closure Day sempre visitabile
Visit Time 30 min
Entrance Fee Liberamente visitabile
Reservation Required no
Viabilities Flaminia
Bookshop no
Free Guided Tour no
Guided Tour no
Parking si
Disabled Accessibility si
Audioguide no
Didactic Rooms no
Conference room no
English language no
  • A+
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Museo Civico Archeologico "G. Allevi" di Offida